Congratulations to Jefferson High School’s September Athletes of the Month:
Sean Usery – Football, Maclayne McPeters – Volleyball, Morgan Figliolo – Softball, Payton Easter – Cross
Country, and Ian Ehrhardt. Read below for their answers to the Q & A given to these deserving athletes.
1. What is the best part about being a student at Jefferson High School?
Ian – The atmosphere
Payton - Being involved with everything JHS does
Morgan – The teachers are very helpful and care about your success
Maclayne – All of the activities we do at school to keep the spirit up
Sean – There are a lot of great people that go here
2. What is the best part about being an athlete at Jefferson High School?
Ian – It’s fun and it’s not a big team
Payton – The best part is being able to go your own pace without feeling like you aren’t made
for the sport
Morgan – The team is more than just a group of athletes put together, it’s an entire family
playing for each other
Maclayne – Being with my team all of the time, we are like family
Sean – Coach Atley giving the football team up/downs
3. What has been your favorite moment of the season so far?
Ian – Signing Jefferey
Payton – getting a better time each race
Morgan – The memories and how we played as a team on Senior Night
Maclayne – We were down 24-17 to Perryville and fought back to win the game and then won
the tournament
Sean – the win over Perryville on Homecoming
4. What is your favorite meal before a game/race?
Ian – Cajun Pasta
Payton – Cajun Pasta
Mogan – a Panera sandwich and salad
Maclayne – waffles
Sean – Buffalo Chicken Pasta
5. What is your favorite song to listen to before a game/race?
Ian – Ayla’s singing/Starships
Payton – nothing in particular
Morgan – Sail – Awolnation
Maclayne – My team and I love anything by Pitbull
Sean – Right On – Lil Baby
6. Do you have any specific superstitions that you do before/during every game/race?
Ian – Eat pasta, run fasta
Payton – Eat an orange, stretch, and put BioFreeze on calves/ankles
Morgan – I play every game with my visor, and I have to tie my shoes a certain way before every
Maclayne- Drink a soda, which is horrible, and have Emma do my hair
Sean – I drink a ton of Pedialyte, so I don’t cramp. Also, I always wear a black tank top
September Athletes of the Month
October 17, 2022