Dear Families,
I hope everyone had a great summer break! The beginning of a new year can be somewhat hectic; therefore, I wanted to share with you some important information to hopefully make the transition a little smoother for all.
Pre-registration information was sent out in May for online registration. If you did not receive the information and still need to register your middle school (6th-8th grade) student(s), please follow the guidelines provided for you below.
Registration Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 12th from 8 am to 3 pm. However, parents and students are not required to attend, IF, you have successfully completed the online registration process. Students will be able to access their schedules on the 12th through Infinite Campus. If there are any concerns or questions regarding schedules, Mrs. Tessaro, school counselor, may be contacted for changes until the deadline of Monday, August 30th. Chromebooks, Student Handbooks, Technology Agreement forms, and First Day Packets will be given out to all students on the first day of school.
For those who are unable to complete the online registration process, please click this link for Registration for Middle School Students to schedule an appointment. This will allow us the ability to control the flow of people in the building and provide technology assistance while ensuring the well-being of everyone's health and safety.
Please contact the office at 636-937-9188, if you have questions.
Cindy Holdinghausen, Ed.S.
Middle School Principal
Registration for Middle School Students
If you have not already registered your student online, please click the "Registration for Middle
School Students" button above to sign up for an in-person appointment.
When: Thursday, Aug. 12th, 8am-3pm
Where: Danby-Rush Tower School Festus, MO
More information
Online Registration Directions:
- Login to Infinite Campus Parent Portal account
- Click on Online Registration link (bottom left corner of page)
- Uploads of documents are not required during this process
- Google Chrome is preferred browser
- Do Not use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser
- Enter your returning students first before adding in new enrollments
- Be sure you have an email account before starting the application
- Online Registration is a web form and will time out. Remember to save each section.
- Red popup messages can be removed by clicking on them.
- Please contact the support personnel at 636-937-9188, for assistance.